Reveal and Heal with CRA App

The app is free. Do not add this product to your cart. Click one of the links below to download it or click the laptop to view it on your computer instead.

    • Click the apple icon to download on iPhone
    • Click the android icon to download on Android
    • Click the laptop icon to view the training on your computer

Once in the app (or viewing on desktop), there are two free courses you can view: CRA Basics and Wellness Pearls. Anyone may purchase the Master Heart Sequence and the Module 1 eBook through the app. The Module 1 training, Module 2 training, and Dr. Versendaal Professional Library are available only to those who have a postgraduate degree in the healing arts and have a current license (registered/certified) to treat and diagnose in the field related to his/her qualifying degree. You may request access to purchase these trainings through the app.