“When you have heartaches and broken hearts and you’re not happy—brain or heart, you experience that in your bones and in your organs. Pretty soon your body becomes disabled and old and sick and broken down.”–Dr. Dick Versendaal
Address Emotions So the Body Can Heal
Scientific studies have suggested that up to 80% of all disease is a result of unresolved emotions. Dr. Versendaal would refer to these as “broken hearts”. When stories are shared the cause of the problem often surfaces; many times, a broken heart is revealed.
When dealing with pain, trauma, and emotions it is helpful to understand that both the heart and brain respond to the pain and communicate with each other. The heart has the capability of sending positive, life-giving messages to the brain. If these messages can be sustained, the brain can be brought into harmony with the heart and the pain is released. Though they work together, the heart is the primary influencer and motivator of healthy communication and the brain is secondary.
If a person experiences pain and the heart is not able to release it, the pain and emotions are stored. With these locked into the memory, the brain and heart suffer. The brain will attempt to take over as guide, governor, and counselor. It will try to logic the heart out of stored emotions, but to no avail because emotions are created, sent out, and stored at a faster rate than logical thinking.
Over time the brain gets overwhelmed and tired trying to support the heart. Both are overwhelmed and become prisoners to the pain and stored memories. When dealing with emotions most first think to deal with the brain. Yet, continual anxious and depressed thoughts are often a sign of an unresolved charge stored in the heart.
This heart-brain connection has large implications of the health of a person. The good and the bad experiences in life are recorded in the heart and brain. Most people have experienced pain, trauma, and loss in their life. The resulting pain from these experiences can not only be expressed through emotional suffering, but also physical, mental, and/or spiritual suffering. It’s a matter of the heart.
The primary sequence taught in Contact Reflex Analysis is the Master Heart Sequence. This sequence enables the doctor to determine and imbalance of the energetic heart. Combine that sequence with the Wellness Triad and the doctor can determine how to best bring the heart back into balance: emotionally, nutritionally, structurally.
Doctors often treat symptoms and target specific organs as their specialty, but if the heart and the brain are not synchronized, the entire body is functioning on an unstable foundation. If one can balance the heart-brain connection, a flood of healing will be released. The hearts of patients can be restored, and the body will once again experience a natural flow and rhythm for physical, mental, and emotional health.