Terms and Conditions
I hereby apply to become a member of this private CRA membership education and information sharing association for the purpose of learning more about how I can make informed decisions and take control of my own health, natural therapies, nutrition and wellness.
- I understand Association is a private health education association formed under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and Section Two of the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to grant me, my family and my dependents all the rights and protections set forth therein anywhere in the United States or Canada.
- I understand the rights and protections granted by these documents includes the right to privacy in our personal affairs that cause no harm to others, the freedom of choice, the freedom of speech, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right of self-determination. I also understand these documents also grant all members, their families and their dependents the right to liberty, freedom and due process. I understand it is my responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of all communications between me and other Association members. I also understand it is my responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of all communications of an Association member I hear or inadvertently overhear at any time.
- I take full responsibility for my own decisions regarding my own health, nutrition and wellness issues, and those of my family and my dependents. I take full responsibility to treat, cure and attempt to cure my own medical, psychological, physical, emotional and mental concerns, conditions, diseases, disorders, symptoms and trauma, and those of my family and my dependents, or to seek properly licensed professionals to counsel, treat, prescribe and attempt to cure me, my family and my dependents. If I do not know any such professionals, I will ask Association for a referral.
- I acknowledge and understand the Association coaches are trained and qualified to competently coach, demonstrate, educate, empower, facilitate, instruct, mentor, supervise, teach, train and tutor me, my family and dependents to make my own decisions regarding my own health, natural therapies, nutrition and wellness and that of my family and dependents.
- I understand I am responsible for the results my decisions have on me, my family and my dependents; and I hold Association and all members of Association harmless for all harm I may cause myself or others because of my decisions. I also understand Association does not carry malpractice insurance because all members of Association take full responsibility for any harm that may be caused to them, their family and their dependents as a result of their own decisions.
- I understand the Association coaches, upon my request, will refer me to properly credentialed professionals to diagnose, prescribe, treat and attempt to cure me of any medical condition I suspect I, my family or dependents may have.
- I acknowledge that I have read, understand, signed and received copies of Association’s Informed Consent Form and List of Services offered. Any questions I may have had were answered to my satisfaction.
- I declare that I have read and understand this application and that I am qualified to make this decision to explore the services of Association on my behalf for myself and my dependents.
I am confidentially applying to be a guest of the Association herein disclosed, under the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution and Section Two of the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I hereby claim sanctuary under these rights and freedoms, and in token hereof sign this application without prejudice under UCC 1-308.